What’s going on in Mesa?


Mesa is a beautiful city with artistic mountains and golf courses, quick access to Phoenix and Scottsdale, and minutes away from Tonto National Park, the Salt River and Saguaro Lake. Mesa really does have it all!

Here are some interesting statistics about Mesa, AZ! There are approximately  517,000 people that live in Mesa. Mesa is the 36th largest city in the United States. It’s larger than Miami, Minneapolis, and Atlanta!  The median household income of Mesa residents is $72,241, while the average sold price of a single family home in Mesa is $552,640.  There are approximately 13,500 businesses in Mesa and Mesa has seen a 17% population growth increase in the last 12 years.

The Falcon District of Mesa ( NE area of Mesa) is seeing large growth with companies like Boeing, MD Helicopter, Amazon and Northrup Grumman that have businesses in the area. Mesa also just approved a 359 unit multi-family mixed use project near Longbow Golf Course called Ascend at Longbow.  Additionally there will be a 36 acre k-12 tuition free public charter school called American Leadership Academy opening in 2024 at the corner of Recker and Thomas.

Southeast Mesa ( Elliot-Germann) is seeing incredible growth, with 47,800,000 sq.ft of building is planned or under construction in this area! Additionally 360 hotel rooms are also planned and/or are under construction. Recent companies to this area include Meta, Gulfstream, Hyundai, Amazon, Galactic, Google, Allegiant, Apple, Cessna and more!

Downtown Mesa has had over $600 million in investments since 2020 with recent additions or coming soon businesses such as Outcast Doughnuts, Tortoise and Hare, Pedal Haus Brewery, Mad Candy Shop, Level 1 Arcade Bar, Arizona Distilling Company, Phantom Fox Beer, Crepe Club and more!

If you would like to check out some of the different neighborhoods Mesa has to offer, please give me a call at 602-206-3131 or view my website ( www.LauraDavisRealEstate.com).